segunda-feira, 29 de novembro de 2010

Buenos Aires, part III

On Friday, following Juan's advices, we went to the zoo of Luján. Almost 2 and a half hours for like 60 km of distance, but anyway.. Right on the entrance there is a place where they have most of the animals, all together, just like Noe's arch: horses, guanacos, a pig, goats, camels, ducks, you name it. Baby lions, f course, were the best, so adorable little Simbas. It is also possible to go inside the place where teenage lions and tigers are, and end the visit with a small ride in a camel.
But the perfect end for this day was the dinner in 'La Cabrera', and here comes the food again :D that has the best 'chorizo beef'. So so true.. We ate way too much, so delicious everything, really eating untill we felt sick and still ordered a dessert. All with a great wine to go with.

The next day, Saturday fair in Palermo. The fairs in BsAs are very good, and I didn't even went to the supposely best one, in San Telmo. Anything you may be looking for can be found here. In the afternoon I went to a museum, that, shame shaaaame on me, was the only one I visited. One week in BsAs and I know more restaurants and ice-cream shops than museums or theatres... And I kind of regret it, this one was increadible, specially the pre-colombian art colection.

As it was the night of the museums, we went to a show of 'Air Tango', meaning people dancing tango hanging on wires. And that was it, no more museums, again the shame, we just went to a hostel to sit talking and drinking beer for the rest of the night.
The next day my bus to Puerto Madryn was only at 8 pm, and still I did nothing all day. I guess being with portuguese people felt too good, I was for the whole week just feeling more like hanging out with them, do nothing and eat all the best things BsAs has to offer. Oh yes, almost forgot, I also tried the best empanadas and juices, the things I has mentioned before were not enough :D

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