domingo, 24 de outubro de 2010

Assis and Marilia, São Paulo

The bus trip from São Paulo to Assis, the trip was of about 5 hours. We fell asleep and ended up in a little village in the middle of nowhere (dont even remember the name...). So, instead of arriving in Assis at 5 am, we took 3 hours more. Assis is a small city, only with the University and little more, but its really nice. On the afternoon, it started to rain a looooooot, like tropical storm, the lights of half city did *kaput while we were far away from home - and having to walk all the way back -, so the day ended with a nice dinner in the candle light.

It kept raining almost all the days I spent there, but rain is good when its around 25 ºC. In Assis is also normal thing to have car trips around the city with no destination at all. Well, in Portugal we go for a coffee and stay there just talking for a couple of hours, in here they do car trips.

After Assis, we went to Marilia. The view in all the way to get there is really beautiful, with mounts and valleys with bright green vegetation and coffee plantations. Marilia is a pretty city, with a horseshoe shape around a big valley. Again, I had the sweetest reception from my friend's family, always making delicious special dishes and even with a surprise happy birthday cake. In the end, they took me to the bus station, a real family farewell.

As when I was in Istanbul, also in Marilia I had the chance to go to a class in the UNESP (University of São Paulo), this time of Law. I loved it, as in this class they discussed also about politics, and now with the elections day so close, it gets really interesting for me to get the perspective of brasilians on this subject, and not only of what I read from portuguese newspapers. After the class, we went to a kind of Students Association meeting that reminded me of ESN meetings... I miss it.

Oh, and also tried "taça de açaí" with pineapple and honey, way better than açaí juice!!

There are no photos, since my #$%&$ camera decided to delete them. I had to count till 100 not to throw it in the waterfalls.

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